IAP problems sorted out

Posted: February 28th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Hi all, there has been a few problems with google payments over the last week or so and players haven’t been able to buy the VIP Pack. We appreciate anyone wanting to support us by getting the VIP Pack and those that wrote to us to let us know there was a problem.

It should all now be working and if you still fancied getting rid of ads (and getting the other goodies the VIP pack gives) please give it another try in game.

Multiplayer update

Posted: February 19th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Rapture | No Comments »

We’ve put up a new version of the game with a potential fix to the multiplayer issues we’ve been having the last couple of days. Please update and let us know if you still have problems. There’s also a new version of Google Play Services available and it might be worth grabbing that as well.

In the update is also a potential fix for the blue screens that a couple of people have been having.

If you still get either of these problems, or any others, please get in touch at feedback@tundragames.com

Multiplayer issues

Posted: February 19th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Just a quick post to say Rapture is currently having multiplayer troubles. Looks like Google have changed something and it’s affecting online play so players can’t connected to each other.

We’re putting together a fix at the moment and hoping to have it up very soon.

Thanks for your patience!

New Planet Shapes update

Posted: February 6th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Rapture | No Comments »

In case anyone missed the latest update for Android – there are now two new planet shapes to play on – flat earth (for all you deniers out there) and the torus/donut shape. Just update your game and unlock them in the shop to play on them. There’s also an extra “Pangaea” option in the Play Options page (found off the Missions screen) – which makes all the regions appear as one big landmass.

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Also for you techies out there – we have updated the game to work with the latest “MarshMallow” SDK. Let us know what you think of the new shapes and send us any thoughts on other shapes you’d like added.

This isn’t for iOS yet – we’re working on getting it on Apple devices very soon.

If you haven’t already please leave us a review on the Google Play store or the Apple App Store